Inspiration strikes when there is something that moves me, it can be an image, music or a phrase with which I connect immediately.
Among the images that captivate me there are three in particular that always find my gaze to continue observing carefully: the trees, the bark with so many colors and textures, with their scars that tell their life story, the branches of whimsical shapes and curved roots clinging to their earth. The birds, free spirits that with their fine and exquisite feathers can reach great heights; I marvel at the architecture of their nests and the eggs they lay in them: they entrust their most precious treasure to a handful of twigs and mud. And the colored ribbons; in my work they represent the thread of life, sometimes floating, other times tense, worn, knotted, brightly colored and also with shadows, abruptly broken and then mended, frayed or curving gloriously in the wind.